The Creative Herd

Independent designer helping businesses refresh their websites and create compelling layouts

New site builds, website face-lifts, or clickable prototypes to get customers excited; we’ll have you buttoned with a professional grade site or prototype.
AutoDyne UI/UX design cover image, featuring a product screenshot.
Product Design
UI/UX Design


The design, build, and launch of a new product for the auto industry to create a better experience for both sides of the transaction.

Take a gander
Screenshot image of e-commerce brand Mare Kondo
UX Audit
UI/UX Design

Marie Kondo

Optimized PDP, mini cart, search function, and search results. Also designed the landing page of her most recent book.

Take a gander
E-commerce screenshot cover for Point Blank Studio
UI/UX Design
User Analytics

Point Blank Studio

Designed an edgy, simplistic website for a streetwear company. They've sold in over 5 countries now.

Take a gander
MyRadar website design case study cover
Marketing Site
UI/UX Design
Product Development


Designed and developed their B2B sales platform to reach a broader market in need of weather data points.

Take a gander
IndyInk Website design screenshot
UI/UX Design
Product Design
Website | User Accounts


Website facelift, and on-site product design for a new custom ordering capability, alongside unique dashboards, and logic backed forms.

Take a gander
Portfolio Look Book
Portfolio Look Book
The Problem

Your company’s website has been stagnant for a while, and it’s not converting the way you hoped.

You've heard that good design is extremely expensive and time consuming.
Your team is busy, and managing a design partner takes a lot of effort.
You don't want to lose any brand recognition with your existing customers.
Our Solution

We help your business quickly explore new visual direction and layout on your website.

1. Aesthetics & Strategy

I'll pull in a few different website designs for inspiration. Ideally you'll send me a few as well. From there I'll put together 2-4 concepts that we review together, and decide which one we like best.

Website design concept board for new UI/UX build.

2. Landing Page

I'll design the landing page of your website. This usually serves as a great milestone to ensure we're all aligned before moving further. We'll give it a thumbs up, or make some minor adjustments as we make our way to the finish line.

New UI/UX screenshot for a website design

3. Finish Design & Development

Once the homepage is approved, I'll go ahead and design the rest of the pages. We'll review those together, and move into the Webflow development!

Example of website design that could be made.


Run with the herd.

Optimized for all viewports

Responsive first designs that maintain quality across all screen sizes.

Design with purpose

We make all design and layout decisions with your goals in mind.

Your bottom line

Focus on optimizing conversion pathways to increase user engagement and sales.

Professional Guidance

You can count on professional guidance through the process; and receive responses within hours, not days.

On-Brand Design

Design updates will maintain brand identity, ensuring consistency and recognition with your existing customer base.

High fidelity clickable prototypes

You'll receive an aesthetically pleasing clickable prototype featuring the most important screens for your product.


I’ve made two pricing packages that are perfect for established businesses wanting a website refresh

Branding + Page Design

Landing Page Design

For businesses that want to quickly explore new visual direction on their website, refresh branding, and optimize page structure to drive users toward a goal.

Completely new landing page design

Updated typography, colors, and page layout

2-3 concept directions

3-4 supplemental marketing graphics

Figma files ready for development

Webflow dev add-on (+$1500)

one-time, done in 3 weeks
Branding + Web Design

Website Re-Design

For new businesses and startups that need a brand refresh; with a few essential pages, alongside clone-able sections and a style guide for future updates.

6 Essential page designs

Reusable sections for easy site updates

Style guide for website design

Optimized information architecture

Figma files ready for development

Webflow dev add-on (+$4000)

one-time, done in 4 weeks

Who does the work

Hey, my names Phillip; Denver based ui/ux designer and webflow developer.

I’ve been designing since 2019, and have been self-employed for 2+ years. I operate under BisonTongue, my independent design studio!

The small details of a project are extremely important to me; I’m passionate about design and the results it can bring - be that positive or negative.

Hope you’re enjoying my little slice of the internet.

If you’ve found yourself here with no desire for my type of work, still shoot me a message. I love to network and get to know new people.

On a mission to make awesome stuff.

Happy Humans

Nice words from awesome clients

“I truly believe no one else could have gotten us to where we are with this new site...”

IndyInk - Owner

“Wonderful work. Our developers were able to implement the designs with no issues...”

SmartRank, PM

“Phillip does a great job. Good eye for design with fast turn-arounds. We’d hate to lose him!...”

MyRadar, Sales VP

“The site is freaking incredible. Feel like you could work for anyone...”

PointBlankStudio, Owner


Stuff I'm asked often

What services do you offer?

I offer the two packages located in the pricing section of my website, as well as larger builds, product design, and clickable prototypes. If you have something in mind, just schedule a call and we'll talk it out!

What do you build your websites with?

I exclusively build sites on Webflow due to the industry-leading advantages in code customization, SEO, hosting, security, integrations, and design freedom. If you're wanting e-comm designs for Shopify, I'm happy to provide designs to your developer or use one of my own.

What tools do you use?

I use Figma for just about everything. I'll utilize pieces of the adobe suite when it's called for, like Illustrator, Photoshop, and After Effects. Slack and loom are big helpers as well. If you don't use slack, email is fine, but nothing beats picking up the phone and just talking.

Do you offer a subscription/retainer option?

I sure do. Let's talk about what level of effort your business needs, and we can come to a happy agreement on price. It does start at $1,000/mo, with a minimum contract length of 3 months.

Can you provide copy?

That's actually how I got my start as a self-employed creative. I can provide you copy, but there's no shot that I'll know your businesses as well as you. It's best if you provide me what you want to say, and I'll chop it up a bit!

How much does a project cost?

I have two packages in the pricing section, with a minimum engagement of $2500. Throughout my career I've done projects from $500 to $90,000. I hate to say it... but if it doesn't fit into those packages, it really just depends!

Average timeline for a project?

2 weeks up to 2 months is the usual time frame!

How does payment work?

For package one, it's one payment up-front, and for the second package it's 60% up front, and 40% when it's all done! If we're working on something rather large, it's 25% up front, and then I'll invoice on the first, and fifteenth of each month.

Do you provide a referral bonus?

Absolutely. If you refer a project to me, You'll receive a 10% payment of the total project price.

What's your favorite part of this work?

You know, I love putting the story together for how something is going to work. Serving visual solutions up to users like it's a five star michelin. I also like getting to know the people I'm working with.

What's the most difficult part of this work?

To be totally transparent, it's separating the work from who I am, and not treating what I make as an extension of me. I used to go to war with perfectionism. But that doesn't exist, so I control what I can control, and try to be the best that I can be. I love this work, and that makes things difficult sometimes.

What's your design philosophy?

I can't say that I really have one. I just know that there's a feeling good design gives to the soul, and I try to capture that feeling, bottle it up and gorge myself on it. Maybe one day I'll take the time to dig into this more. I'd love to try and find the words to describe it.

What's your favorite animal?

My little dachshund, Murph.

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Website Design

MyRadar B2B Sales Capabilities

What they needed

MyRadar is ranked #4 in the app store under the weather category. Check out the app if you haven't already.

MyRadar had a 2024 initiative to focus on their B2B weather data-point sales. They needed a website to display the industries and capabilities they'd be able to assist with as well as updated typography, colors and assets that would accurately display the product.

The goal of the website was to display the industries and capabilities they can help with weather data. The companies they supply datapoints to are massive, and I'm under an NDA.. can't say them, but this was a huge responsibility. When this one was, done; I felt like we'd erected a sky scraper.

We built out the actual capability to provide these API calls to companies as well. I have a great relationship with a product design studio out of WI, and brought their team on to assist with development. We provided clear documentation to their devs for easy maintenance and updates.

After this project, MyRadar asked me to build their internal design system as well. I'm still on a weekly retainer with MyRadar to date, and have created some really awesome stuff with them.

Project Highlights

Animated Hero Graphic

Easy to scan capabilities

Homepage CTA

API Hero Section

Digestible Content

Scannable Long Form Content

Custom Footer Graphic

Product Design
Branding | Website Design

Chrome Application

Product Rundown --

Autodyne has been a car warranty provider in Colorado for 20 years. The business lives and breathes by the relationships they have with their dealership partners. That's the background on this company, let's move into the project now!

Purchasing a vehicle can take hours depending on what forms need to be completed. They noticed that the finance and insurance teams of their dealership partners spent a ton of time copying and pasting customer information across multiple sites and forms. Thus, the birth of an idea... AutoDyne AutoFill

The AutoDyne AutoFill tool lives in the chrome browser, and allows individual sales reps of the dealer create accounts holding customer data.

That information is readily available for the finance team. > They open the chrome application > select the customer they'll be assisting > and start visiting the sites and forms they need to complete. > With the tool open they click "AutoFill fields" > and then the click "autofill fields" and move onto the next!

The dealership can easily export the new customers and prospects into their CRM from the database.

If you'e buying a car in Colorado, ask them the next time you're going through the finance process if they're using AutoDyne AutoFill. (Especially if it's taking forever)

Project Highlights

App Map

Website hero section with product video

Finance & Insurance team view (Product Shot)

Sales Rep view (Product Shot)

The Problem (Website Section)

The Solution (Website Section)

Tool Overview & Footer (Website Image)

UX Optimization

Marie Kondo UI/UX Updates

What they needed

The creative team managing the website noticed there were significant drop-offs when users hit their product pages.

They brought me on to discover why this was happening, as well as come up with designs that could be implemented to increase their conversion rate.

After a review of their user analytics, I was able to see users frantically moving around the page. Some of which would finally find the product details. The conversion rate was drastically higher pertaining to that pattern. This proved my intuition true. The details were hidden on the right side of the page, and if you didn't scroll in the correct spot, you woud never find them.

I was able to utilize their vast email list to conduct a survey of past customers to identify other issues as well.

I re-deigned their Product page, introduced a you might like section, introduced a gamified mini-cart to show users they're close to free shipping, updated the search function, as well as how you navigate/filter search results, introduced a "wish list" feature to increase the ROI on email marketing, and updated the ambassador page.

About a year later I was brought back on to design the landing page for Marie Kondo's newest book "Kurashi at Home" -- that was pretty sweet.

Project Highlights

Palatable product page

Gamified mini-cart experience

Search results with easy filtering

Introduced "might also like" section

Un-intrusive search bar

Scannable & easy navigation for product details

Website Design

IndyInk Screen Printing

What they needed

IndyInk has been operating as one of the top-rated screen printers in Colorado since 2012, after starting in 2002. They even set up a sister company; Abstract Denver, which grew to four brick and mortar stores located in some of the most popular spots in Denver, including the 16th street mall.

There's a custom ordering software that has a strong-hold on the screen printing industry, that continues to raise it's prices and needed replaced. They also wanted to update their website to represent the unique professionalism they bring the the industry.

They only had a logo, and a box with the abstract art they use for orders. I used those throughout the site, to provide a unique brand experience on the pages. I also created an automated ordering system to allow customers to upload the artwork and request directly to IndyInk, so they no longer had to use the big software company.

For fully custom work, that includes a bit of guidance needed from IndyInk, we introduced a multi-step form with logic to enhance the experience for customers, and IndyInk.

We also implemented user accounts, and a client side interface so that they could cater to their most active customers when it comes to re-order and tracking.

This site is absolutely rocking, and we continue to work together, driving IndyInk toward being a nationally recognized brand. If you need custom garments, I couldn't recommend them enough!

Project Highlights

Explosive hero section

Garment selection page

Custom garment design and ordering

Multi-step form with logic

Client side portal

About section shot, displaying brick and mortars

Distributor highlights

Website Design


What they needed

Point Blank Studio, is a luxury street wear company out of Salt Lake City, Utah. Anonymity is at the core of their brand, and have reached sales in over 5 different countries now.

They needed an e-commerce website that strongly expressed the brand personality.

With subtle animations, and a simplistic design, we were able to achieve the vision they had, reaching over five figure in sales within the first year.

The site features rotating model designs, and uses what they value most to display the product... the people.

Virgil Abloh (RIP) was an inspiration to the founder of this business, and I was thrilled to be a part of a project with such a design driven spirit.

I still work with Point Blank Studio to this day, as we continue to grow and optimize the online experience for their customers.

Project Highlights

Product shop page

Shop page featuring model and product toggle

Rotating model product page

Footer marquee displaying their anonymous models

Project Look Book

Hope you enjoy it

This is a culmination of some past projects.


Rapid re-design I did to optimize the UX of their homepage. The video is on my YouTube channel.
Hero section of b2b saas business displaying their product's features

Bluspark HR Solutions

Hero section for Bluspark HR Solutions. This was a website design and branding facelift project! Had a blast working with this group. I also designed their logo!
Bluespark HR solutions website hero section

Goblin Guild

Rabid mobile focused UI/UX re-design for a game store here in Denver. The video is on my LinkedIn.
Cover image of a mobile website re-design I did for a game store here in Denver

Meal Prep Mamas

Designed their website and introduced unique user accounts. Custom icons alongside the best UX a food blog has ever seen.
Screenshot of the best UX for a food blogCustom icons for meal prep mama's website

Omega Promos

Had a blast on this branding and website design. They're no longer in business, but the design lives on in my heart.
Screenshot of UI/UX design of omega promo's hero section

Abstract Denver

Optimized home page. Increased gross purchase revenue by 175%
Abstract Denver website hero section design

Hub & Balance

These guys took over the co-working spaces at the X-Denver locations. I designed their website, and BisonTongue's home office is located here. The screenshot you're looking a is a pretty awesome parallax scroll effect.
Hub and Balance parallax scrolling animation

So Chic Boutique

One of my first ever website design projects. I loved it. The new updates they've made look bad... glad I saved this design.
Screenshot of the ui/ux design of a little boutiques hero section here in Denver, Colorado

Bush Nut Beauty

UI/UX design of Bush Nut beauty's e-commerce site.
screenshot of e-commerce bushnut beauty's website design

My Custom-C

Designed the website for Denver's best co-packer. Seriously though, their products are fire.
My Custom-C blog section screenshot

Design Dance

I don't remember what this was for, but I thought it was cool.
UI/UX design of the design dance landing page

96 Shades

Designed the product description page, and did the branding for 96 Shades. I also helped come up with the name, which was pretty dope.
96 Shades e-commerce product description page screenshot

Boss Dog

Re-designed the boss dog website utilizing anti-design. This one was a lot of fun.
Screenshot of boss dog streetwear hero section

Hope's Organics

Brand refresh for Hope's Organics. Fire UI/UX here, with the three links to the right, and an animated sales image when you land to drive focus here. Their heads fell off when they saw this.
Animated hero section for hope's organics websiteScreenshot of hope's organics ingredient list website. Solid UX for a ton of text.Custom icons for Hope's organics website

Hero Shades

Designed the product description and home page. I also designed the glass morphism branding & icons used throughout the website.
Glass morphism brand icons for Hero ShadesScreenshot of Hero Shades e-commerce product description page

Happy Flamingo

Designed their website, as well as took them through the underwriting process to be able to sell controlled products online.
UI/UX design of Denver's best sleepy cbd gummy's hero section